Our Curriculum

“Be Your Best at Beverley Minster” along with “Encourage One Another and Build Each Other Up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) are the key drivers that underpin everything that we do.

Beverley Minster Primary School believes that early childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. We have high expectations for all of our children and pride ourselves on the curriculum that we offer. We believe that our curriculum should be Broad and Balanced and that children should have equality of opportunity across the curriculum. The National Curriculum forms the building blocks of the expectations for each subject. We have also set out very clear expectations for the knowledge and skills expectations in each subject that are to be strived for in each year group.

In addition, we have adapted the curriculum to support our local context and support the needs of our community. Wherever possible, we engage the community in being an active part of supporting learning and the development of the school.

Our school strongly believes that it has a duty to enrich and develop its pupils through a wider curriculum. We develop values and moral standards that support and form character, spiritual awareness and self-esteem.

We aim to develop three key values which were chosen by the pupils, parents, governors and staff. We believe that the development of these values form a firm foundation on which our children can flourish. We strive to ensure that these values underpin the decisions that we make when planning and teaching the curriculum. Our values help to provide guidance for all on how to treat each other and become responsible members of the community.

When our pupils leave, we hope that they will take with them our key values of:

  1. Respect
  2. Friendship
  3. Perseverance 

Opportunities to bring the curriculum to life and expose the children to meaningful learning in a practical context are built in and constantly reviewed. We foster the development of learning behaviours and exposure to experiences that build character. In turn, we aim to develop pupils, who are resilient, honest, creative, supportive and tolerant, who understand how to be a respectful member of a community, regardless of starting point or background.

We believe that every child should be a confident reader and that a solid foundation in reading enables all children to access every aspect of the curriculum. We want our children to be exposed to a challenging reading curriculum that threads through everything they do. With a rich literary heritage, it is essential that we ensure our children see and use quality examples of reading and see that an ability to read is a right, not a privilege.  Opportunities to use the rich vocabulary that they have learnt in a practical context ensure that our children are confident, articulate speakers.

beverley minster primary school

Equality Duty

The school ethos recognises that equal opportunities encompass gender, nationality, ethnicity, culture, disability, age, sexuality, religion and special educational needs. Children are treated fairly and are given equal opportunity to take part in activities across the whole school curriculum.

Equality is an important part of the planning and teaching of lessons. When planning work for children with special educational needs we have due regard to information and targets contained in the support plans. We have high expectations of all children and we believe that the equality principles underpin work and life through the school. Please see the Equalities section of our website.

For further information on the curriculum please contact our school or you can take a look at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum

Curriculum Content & Progression of Knowledge

Art & Design

At Beverley Minster CE Primary School, we intend: to encourage the children to enjoy the creative process and experience their own success in art and design. to teach children that art is not always ‘perfect’ and that it can take many different forms. to develop a passion for the Arts and a knowledge and understanding of other artists, craft makers…

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Through our computing curriculum at Beverley Minster CE Primary School, we aim to give our children the knowledge and skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way, allowing them to flourish. By the time our children finish Year 6, we intend for them to be confident, independent users of computing…

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Design & Technology

At Beverley Minster CE Primary School, we intend to provide an inspiring, practical curriculum that ensures all pupils have the opportunity to be creative, imaginative designers. We believe that our curriculum, like a successful product, should be ‘fit for purpose’ and give the children real-life problems to solve that challenge their thinking. We intend for our children to work well…

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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Children are assessed regularly in nursery and this continues in school. At the end of their first year at school teachers will complete an Early Years Foundation Profile for each child. This is based on the 17 Early Learning Goals or ELGs. Early Learning Goals EYFS Information Letter Download Communication and Language Listening, Attention and Understanding Speaking Physical development…

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Writing Intent At Beverley Minster CE Primary School, we intend for our children to leave as confident, capable and independent writers, who not only understand the purpose and importance of writing but also enjoy the writing process.  We intend for children to use their writing skills across the curriculum. Following the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum, we plan…

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At Beverley Minster CE Primary School, we have chosen French as our foreign language study. Our aim is to develop our pupils’ enjoyment of speaking different languages along with their interest in exploring other cultures. We intend to nurture the children’s confidence to become good French speakers, who further explore the history and culture of our continental neighbour via its…

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“The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.” Barack Obama At Beverley Minster CE Primary School we believe that geography…

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“A people without the  knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”   Marcus Garvey At Beverley Minster CE Primary School we intend for our children to have a rounded understanding of history by the time they leave our school. They need to be able to put historical events into context and order. They need to…

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Intent At Beverley Minster CE Primary School, our intent for mathematics is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum using maths to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding in each area. As well as following the national curriculum, our curriculum allows children to better make sense of the world around them with opportunities to use and make…

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Our curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils: Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions. Learn to sing and use their voices, musical instruments and technology to create and compose music on their own and with others. Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated through…

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Physical Education

The intent of teaching PE is to give our children the progression in knowledge, skills and the understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being. We want all children to experience a wide variety of sports and physical skills which will enhance life-long fitness and life choices. Our PE curriculum will challenge and promote…

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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) At Beverley Minster CE Primary School, we are extremely ambitious for our children and have high expectations for their behaviour and personal development regardless of background or starting point. Whilst the delivery of PSHE is non-statutory, we believe in creating well-rounded citizens, who understand risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe…

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Religious Education

We believe that the teaching of R.E and world views enables children to develop an understanding of the important aspects of human experience and become respectful citizens of our world. Through the teaching of Religious Education we aim to support our children in developing an understanding of Christianity and other world faiths. Our R.E curriculum follows the enquiry based model…

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At Beverley Minster CE Primary School we want our children to be curious about the world around them, and encourage them to seek answers to the scientific questions they pose. The National Curriculum lays the foundation for our ambitious Science curriculum, and we believe that along with the rich resources our local context provides, these are the stepping stones to…

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