Key Stage 2 SAT Results
Key Stage 2 Results (2023 = 50 pupils)
Reading | Writing | Maths | GPaS | RWM | |
Expected | 82 (N73) | 68 (N71) | 64 (N73) | 78 (N72) | 52 (N59) |
Greater Depth | 32 | 4 | 20 | 28 | 2 |
Progress | -0.09 | -3.45 | -2.57 |
Average Scaled Scores: Reading: 106.3 (N105), GPS: 105.7 (N105), Maths: 103.1 (N104)
Parent Questionnaire Results
Performance Tables
Further information and data can be found on the Department for Education’s comparison website.