Dear Parents and Carers
On behalf of the school community, I would like to welcome you to our school. The school aims to create a safe, supportive environment where there are high expectations of each child and each child is able to develop in their educational studies and their personal qualities. We want our school to be a place where everyone is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential in a caring and supportive learning environment. We believe that learning should be exciting. We also recognise that learning may be hard work that needs persistence and determination but children should be provided with the tools they need to progress regardless of starting point or background.
We strive for excellence to develop the potential of all. ‘Be your best at Beverley Minster’ is what we expect of everyone in our school community. Our school is a welcoming community where our distinctive Christian ethos promotes a safe, happy, healthy and nurturing environment. Together, we empower children with the confidence, independence and resilience to become life-long learners and to play a positive role in their community.
The school works in partnership with parents to ensure that the needs of every child are met appropriately. An open – door policy is actively encouraged to ensure that any areas of difficulty are dealt with promptly. The school is a vital part of the community and values its active local links. Visits and visitors play an important part in our broad and personalised curriculum.
Our Christian values of Respect, Friendship and Perseverance reflect our school community and how we feel our children will be best supported in their development. We welcome feedback and will do our best to answer your queries as swiftly and effectively as possible. If you require more information, or would like to visit Beverley Minster CE Primary School, then please contact the school office on 01482 869947 to arrange an appointment.
If you would like a paper copy of any of the documents on this website, please contact the school office. We look forward to meeting you and hope you find what you are looking for.
Best wishes,
Mr L Fletcher

Mr L Fletcher