Find out about the people who oversee the general vision and management of our school. They give their time to ensure that school policies and long term vision are followed carefully to ensure that your child has the best experience that can be whilst they are with us. The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.
The Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of a number of different types of governors and the normal term of office is four years. However, after four years, any governor who wishes to remain on the Governing Body can offer to stand for a further term of office and (if no-one else has expressed an interest in the position) be re-elected or reconfirmed in his/her position.
We recognise and appreciate that governors bring different areas of expertise to the Governing Body.
Parent Governors
If you are a parent of a pupil(s) at the school or the primary carer, you can stand for election as one of the Parent Governor positions, (once a Parent Governor post becomes vacant). If more than one parent expresses an interest in filling a vacancy, elections are held in which all parents can vote. Parent Governors do not formally represent parents on the Governing Body but they do act as a link between parents and the Governing Body and try to keep in tune with parents’ views.
Co – opted Governors
A Co – opted Governor is a person who in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Staff Governor
A member of staff paid to work at the school and elected by the staff.
The Head Teacher presents information to, and is accountable to, the Local Governing Body however is not on the Governing Body.
THE GOVERNORS AT Beverley Minster Church of England Primary School:
Our current Instrument of Government is for a Governing Body of 11 members, made up as follows:
2 Parent Governors
2 Staff Governor
3 Foundation Governors
4 Co-opted Governors
Contacting the Governing Body
If you have an idea or a suggestion that you would like the Governing Body to consider, please leave a note with the office staff for the attention of Mrs L Bell. We actively welcome input and contributions from parents and from others in the local community who support the school. Any issues concerning pupils at the school should, in the first instance, be discussed with the class teacher and thereafter with Mr Fletcher, the Head Teacher. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved to your satisfaction, then you can write to Mrs A Calvert (Chair of Governors) c/o the school.
Governor Activity
We meet as a Local Governing Body at least once every term. Additional meetings are arranged as required.
Every year we elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from amongst the existing members of the Governing Body (employees at the School cannot be elected to these positions). The Governing Body has a trust clerk who arranges the Local Governing Body meetings, circulates the agenda and papers and takes minutes.
Minutes of Governors’ meetings are available on request from the school.
The Local Governing Body meets as a group at least three times a year. In addition, governors have appointed an ethos committee, who meet at least twice a year and focus on the church distinctiveness of the school, SIAMs and School vision. Governors also meet at the beginning of the year to agree the school development plan priorities and how this will be monitored and supported by the LGB.
In addition, there is an Appeals, Complaints, Disciplinary and Pupil Exclusion committees who meet as required.
The members of these committees are made up from a cross section of the Governing Body. These Committees are a flexible way of dealing with specific or fairly detailed matters. They offer individual governors wider opportunities to apply their personal expertise. They also make Local Governing Body meetings more effective and efficient.
Governor List
Governor name | Responsibility | Committees | Term of office start date | Term of office end date |
Mrs A Calvert | Chair of Governors | 05.12.2022 | 04.12.2026 | |
Mrs J Grady | Vice Chair of Governors EYFS SEND | Curriculum Ethos | 01.09.2019 | 31.08.2027 |
Mrs C Hancock | Safeguarding Governor | 21.03.2024 | 20.03.2028 | |
Mr J Baker (vicar) | SMSC RE | Ethos | 09.10.2018 | No end date |
Mrs M Snowden | Ethos | 21.03.2024 | 20.03.2028 | |
Ms C Foreman | Pupil Premium English | Curriculum | 31.01.2023 | 31.01.2027 |
Ms H Schofield | 31.10.2021 | 31.10.2025 |