It’s important to turn up to school feeling that you belong and looking ready to learn. Our school uniform does exactly that. It makes our children look smart and provides an identity as a member of our education community.
We believe that a school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school
- Makes all children feel equal to one another in terms of the way they look
- Creates a feeling of belonging
- Is practical and identifies the children with the school
Purchasing School Uniform
Uniform items can be ordered online from Betta Embroidery.
Uniform ordered by the 4th of each month will be dispatched within 2 weeks. Delivery can be to the home address, however uniform orders may be delivered directly to school free of charge and the school office will ensure that it gets home via the pupil.

Our School Uniform
- Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo or plain
- White polo shirt
- Grey trousers or knee length skirt
- Black shoes with white or grey socks
- In the summer girls may wear blue or red gingham dresses.
- Tailored knee length black or grey shorts
School sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and shorts bearing the school badge are available from Betta Embroidery. Children are also able to wear a plain sweatshirt of the same colour if preferred. These can be obtained from stores such as Matalan, Tesco and Asda.
PE Kit
- White T-shirt
- Black or burgundy shorts
- White socks
- Trainers
If under the direction of a doctor alternative footwear that does not follow school policy is recommended, the school will require medical confirmation.
These may be worn for religious reasons but must be in school colours – navy blue, black or white.
Hairstyles should be appropriate for school and not be a distraction, i.e no ‘Mohicans’ or bright coloured highlights. All long hair (shoulder length or longer) should be tied back. Headbands, ribbons and bobbles should be plain, small and dark.
Jewellery (including watches)
We ask children not to wear any form of jewellery (rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc.) in school, for safety and security reasons. If a child has pierced ears, then small, plain sleepers or studs may be worn, but not larger loop-style or dangly earrings. A basic digital or analogue watch is permitted but ‘smart ‘watches are not allowed for safeguarding reasons.
Regulations strongly recommend that no jewellery is worn for physical education lessons because of the danger of injury to the wearer and/or other pupils in the class. This has been adopted by the Governing Body as school policy.
Children who normally wear earrings are asked not to wear them for school on days when they have physical education lessons. No child will be allowed to take part in physical education lessons wearing earrings. If earrings are unable to be removed, then microporous tape will be placed over them. Hair (if shoulder length or longer) should be tied up for safety reasons during PE lessons so please send your child to school with a couple of spare bobbles.
Make-up, nail varnish, false nails and eyelashes are not permitted.
There is no reason for children to bring larger bags into school. Children should bring a school book bag for their school work and a drawstring bag (logo optional) to store their PE kit in.
EYFS Uniform Requirements
Burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan embroidered with the school logo
- White polo shirt (preferably with an embroidered school logo)
- White/Grey roll neck jumper under the sweatshirt in cold weather
- Grey trousers or knee length skirt/pinafore
- Black shoes with white or grey socks (not trainers please)
- In the summer girls may wear blue or red gingham dresses (not playsuits)
- Tailored knee-length black or grey shorts
To be kept on school peg (in a school P.E Bag):
- Extra underwear, socks, trousers (any plain ones)
- Pair of named wellies (in a named carrier bag)
PE Kit
EYFS will not need a PE kit until the Summer Term.
Indoor P.E Kit
- White T-shirt
- Black or burgundy shorts
- White socks
- Plimsolls
Outdoor P.E Kit
- Tracksuit bottoms/jogging pants
- Sweatshirt
- Trainers
- Gloves (in cold weather)
Children are not allowed to wear any kind of jewellery in school other than a wristwatch. The Local Authority’s Health and Safety regulations require earrings and all jewellery to be removed for P.E. If younger pupils cannot remove and replace their earrings, parents may be requested to come into school to undertake this. Newly pierced ears may be covered with tape until the earrings can be safety removed. Make-up and nail varnish must not be worn.
Hair Accessories
Hair must be tied back for all P.E. lessons. If your child finds it difficult to tie their own hair back, please would you support them by ensuring that they come to school with hair tied back already.
Hair accessories should be a plain headband, slides or bobble.
Further information about our school uniform can be found in our School Uniform Policy.