Remote Home Learning

Full details of our remote learning policy can by found on our policies page.

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. Further details about provision and expectations are detailed below.

This outlines what we expect of pupils and parents/carers during remote learning.

Much of this echoes our expectations of pupils in lessons when in school and all of it is designed to help pupils gain the most benefit from online learning.

  • Parents/carers and pupils will check Google Classroom regularly to ensure that the timetable is followed and to keep track of the expectations for completion and submission of work.
  • I understand that my child’s teacher will only be available during the school week until 4.00pm for feedback and this will be at times when they are not teaching their bubble groups.
  • I understand that Parents/Carers must use the office email to communicate with teachers and must not email teachers personally. Private comments via Google Classroom should be focused on the learning.
  • I will only use Google Classroom as directed by the teacher and will only upload material that is related to my learning.
  • I will not use my child’s Google login details to communicate with anyone other than my class teacher and ONLY when directed to do so by my teacher.
  • I understand that my child must submit work regularly to demonstrate engagement with learning.
  • I understand that I must engage with other learning programs that my teacher has directed me to access, such as Times Tables Rockstars and Reading Plus, regularly every week, as set by my class teacher.
  • I understand that if my child needs support with home learning, a teacher or teaching assistant will complete a well-being phonecall. During any phonecall, a parent/carer must be present in the room or in the next room with the door open so they can hear everything that is happening during this phone conversation.
  • I will not take photos of my screen or record online interactions.
  • I will make sure that my communication in the online learning environment is always supportive of my child’s learning and the learning and wellbeing of others.
  • I will communicate in a courteous way at all times to teachers and monitor my child’s communication with teachers and pupils to ensure that this is respectful.

Google Meet Learning

Google Meet will be used on a trial basis to support our Remote Home Learning offer.

Google Meet will be used for the following purposes:

  • To allow teaching staff to have face to face contact with the children who are remote home learning.
  • To allow teachers to share learning overviews/expectations with children
  • To check in on children’s learning and/or wellbeing.
  • To show and share learning with the pupils and celebrate good working examples submitted to Google Classroom

Whilst using Google Meet, children will:

  • Stay on mute until your teacher invites you to speak or put up your hand if you have a question.
  • Wear suitable clothing.
  • Find a quiet place in your home.
  • Always keep your language appropriate as you would in school.
  • Attend the meet if you want to – you are not expected to attend all meets.
  • Always sign out of the meet as your camera will continue to work.
  • Do not record any meets

Whilst using Google Meet, parents will:

  • Have the ultimate responsibility to ensure children attend and follow correct rules when online.
  • Help your child access the Google Meet through their Google Classroom via a posted link.
  • Ensure your child is appropriately dressed.
  • Ensure other family members are out of camera shot and do not contribute to the video call.
  • Do not film the session on another device or record it, this is a safeguarding and GDPR issue.

Whilst using Google Meet, teachers

  • Lead the session.
  • Keep a list of attendees.
  • Ensure attendees are muted as they join the meet.
  • Make expectations and meeting conduct clear at the beginning of each meeting.
  • Ensure no one else is on view on the camera.

Ensure every child has left the meet before closing the meeting.

If the child or family members behave inappropriately, the school may need to suspend their Google account temporarily.