When making decisions about using Pupil Premium Funding, we have considered the context of our school and the challenges that our Pupil Premium children face. Research conducted by the EEF has been used to support decisions around the appropriateness of different strategies and value for money that they represent. Common barriers for learning for disadvantaged pupils at Beverley Minster CE Primary School include lack of language/vocabulary related to early reading and phonics, maths fluency for specific cohorts and resilience, confidence and self esteem. There may also be complex family issues which prevent a child flourishing e.g. bereavement, low income families. When considering our pupils, we have taken into consideration the fact that the challenges are varied and there is ‘no one size fits all’ approach.
School Funding Overview
Number of pupils in school: 217 (2024-25) / 254 (2022-23) / 235 (2023-24)
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils: 17% (2024-25) / 18% (2022-23) / 13.6% (2023-24)
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year: £52,356.25
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year: £0
Pupil premium (and recovery premium*) funding carried forward from previous years: £0
Our Ultimate Ambition
- For all pupils to receive quality first teaching that supports children to reach their potential.
- To narrow the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils.
- For all pupils in school to make or exceed nationally expectations for attainment and progress
- To be able to support our pupils’ mental health and wellbeing to enable them to access learning at an appropriate level.
Our Strategy reflects these ambitions by
- Ensuring that our teaching and learning strategies enable all PP pupils to make good progress and attain in line with, or above the expected standard
- Allocating funding following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals
How will the school achieve these ambitions?
- Ensure that all teaching, learning and assessment is good or better
- Ensure our curriculum is broad, balanced and progressive.
- To allocate pupils to targeted interventions
- Providing additional learning support through TA led interventions
- Support payment for activities, educational visits and residential visit, ensuring that pupils develop cultural capital to support their learning in the classroom.
- All our work through the pupil premium strategy will be aimed at accelerating pupil progress.