Our Values and Ethos

Beverley Minster Primary School believes that early childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. We have high expectations for all of our children and pride ourselves on the curriculum that we offer. We believe that our curriculum should be Broad and Balanced and that children should have equality of opportunity across the curriculum. The National Curriculum forms the building blocks of the expectations for each subject. We have also set out very clear expectations for the knowledge and skills expectations in each subject that are to be strived for in each year group.

In addition, we have adapted the curriculum to support our local context and support the needs of our community. Wherever possible, we engage the community in being an active part of supporting learning and the development of the school.

Our school strongly believes that it has a duty to enrich and develop its pupils through a wider curriculum. We develop values and moral standards that support and form character, spiritual awareness and self-esteem.

We aim to develop three key values which were chosen by the pupils, parents, governors and staff. We believe that the development of these values form a firm foundation on which our children can flourish. We strive to ensure that these values underpin the decisions that we make when planning and teaching the curriculum. Our values help to provide guidance for all on how to treat each other and become responsible members of the community.

When our pupils leave, we hope that they will take with them our key values of:

  1. Respect
  2. Friendship
  3. Perseverance 

Opportunities to bring the curriculum to life and expose the children to meaningful learning in a practical context are built in and constantly reviewed. We foster the development of learning behaviours and exposure to experiences that build character. In turn, we aim to develop pupils, who are resilient, honest, creative, supportive and tolerant, who understand how to be a respectful member of a community, regardless of starting point or background.

We believe that every child should be a confident reader and that a solid foundation in reading enables all children to access every aspect of the curriculum. We want our children to be exposed to a challenging reading curriculum that threads through everything they do. With a rich literary heritage, it is essential that we ensure our children see and use quality examples of reading and see that an ability to read is a right, not a privilege.  Opportunities to use the rich vocabulary that they have learnt in a practical context ensure that our children are confident, articulate speakers.

We Aim for our pupils to:

  • Be confident and independent.
  • Be curious and creative learners.
  • Aim for excellence and enjoy learning.
  • Be respectful, honest and care for each other.
  • Value diversity and become responsible members of the community.
  • Know that with hard work and determination they will succeed.

Equality Duty

The school ethos recognises that equal opportunities encompass gender, nationality, ethnicity, culture, disability, age, sexuality, religion and special educational needs. Children are treated fairly and are given equal opportunity to take part in activities across the whole school curriculum.

Equality is an important part of the planning and teaching of lessons. When planning work for children with special educational needs we have due regard to information and targets contained in the support plans. We have high expectations of all children and we believe that the equality principles underpin work and life through the school. Please see the Equalities section of our website.

For further information on the curriculum please contact our school or you can take a look at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum