Our local church is Beverley Minster. The church is open every day. You are always welcome to visit or to join us for a service.

Revd Canon Jonathan Baker
The Revd Canon Jonathan Baker is the vicar of Beverley Minster. He is also one of the school’s Foundation Governors.

Ben Merrell
Local Youth MinisterBen Merrell is our local youth minister. Ben offers support to the school in collective worship and as a link between the Minster and school.

Robert Poyser
Director of MusicRobert Poyser is the Director of Music at the Minster. He supports our choir group in school and has been key to us creating a strong choir which has performed in a range of venues.

Reverend Eileen Wallis
Mission PriestThe Reverend Eileen Wallis is the Mission Priest at Beverley Minster. She helps with collective worship, lessons and pastoral support at the school.
Beverley Minster Opening Times
THURSDAY 11.00 – 16.00
SUNDAY 12 noon – 16.00
Visitors are always welcome at services.