- Art & Design
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- English
- French
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Science
We believe that the teaching of R.E and world views enables children to develop an understanding of the important aspects of human experience and become respectful citizens of our world.
Through the teaching of Religious Education we aim to support our children in developing an understanding of Christianity and other world faiths. Our R.E curriculum follows the enquiry based model of the East Riding Agreed Syllabus.
Our teaching of Christianity is supported by the Understanding Christianity resource in which children develop a deeper understanding of Christian theological concepts.
Our R.E curriculum supports our pupils to develop a confident understanding of our threads
- Asking and answering the big questions of life.
- Engaging with sacred texts from world faiths.
At Beverley Minster C.E Primary School, we believe that a broad and balanced R.E curriculum can enable children to hold balanced and informed conversations about religions and beliefs. We equip our children with knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views.
Through our R.E and world views curriculum we encourage our children to:
- Develop an understanding of world faiths and how they can reflect on their own spirituality.
- Ask the big questions about the world through the R.E curriculum, sharing their own thoughts and beliefs confidently and listening to those of others with respect.

Learning in R.E develops religious literacy so that our children are equipped with systematic and powerful knowledge, which deepens as they progress through school.