- Art & Design
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- English
- French
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Science
The intent of teaching PE is to give our children the progression in knowledge, skills and the understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being. We want all children to experience a wide variety of sports and physical skills which will enhance life-long fitness and life choices. Our PE curriculum will challenge and promote challenge and promote self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and problem solving. It will teach children to cope with both success and failure in competitive, individual and team based physical activities and apply their skills to real life game situations. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities will be offered in order to build character, apply and use their skills from PE lessons and represent our school in the community.
We aim to improve health and well-being, promote active participation and lifelong learning, and for each child to fulfil their own personal potential. We aim to ensure that the children’s experience of PE is positive and motivating and that children’s attitudes to a healthy lifestyle are firmly embedded in our curriculum.
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