- Art & Design
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- English
- French
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Science
Children are assessed regularly in nursery and this continues in school. At the end of their first year at school teachers will complete an Early Years Foundation Profile for each child. This is based on the 17 Early Learning Goals or ELGs.

Early Learning Goals
Communication and Language
- Listening, Attention and Understanding
- Speaking
Physical development
- Gross Motor Skills (running, jumping, hopping, negotiating space)
- Fine Motor Skills (using scissors, paint brushes, cutlery, using the tripod grip when drawing and writing)
Personal, social and emotional development
- Self -Regulation
- Managing Self
- Building Relationships
- Comprehension
- Word Reading
- Number
- Numerical Patterns
Understanding of the world
- Past and Present
- People, Culture and Communities
- The Natural World
Expressive arts and design
- Creating with Materials
- Being imaginative and Expressive
In each of these areas, the ELGs set out what the average child is expected to be able to do at the age of five. For example, the number goal states that pupils should have a deep understanding to 10, including the composition of each number. The Managing Self ELG states that children should be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.
Parent Resources
Phase 2 Sounds – https://vimeo.com/641445921/9382cf6db0
Phase 3 Sounds – https://vimeo.com/642342878/59d233684c